To keep Aid Ukraine UK running we rely on the help of volunteers all across Europe. People who can, translate, manage day-to-day assistance for missions, or just help run things behind the scenes to keep everything running smoothly. Your help is needed, as we are expanding to partner with other organisations we will need a team dedicated to coordinating operations across Europe.

If you can help please fill in this
[ENQUIRY FORM] and we will get back to you as soon as we can.


You've been watching the situation in Ukraine for over 2 years, wondering if there is a way you could bring your skills and experience to bear and help the people of Ukraine in their daily struggle to survive and emerge strong and free. We are an entirely volunteer based organisation which has been on the front line, delivering aid where it is most needed.

We are now recruiting a small team of volunteer professionals to help lead Aid Ukraine UK through the next phase and towards the end of the war. We are seeking individuals across a range of disciplines and will be posting job descriptions for the openings. Typically these openings will require ten hours (approx) per week.

We would across various time zones, so location for new members of the team is not an issue, however the focus is on Europe.

Enquiries to


We are seeking drivers who are capable of driving for long periods of time and are able to follow instructions. We are also looking for volunteers who are willing to travel to Ukraine to transport vehicles to different drop off points. While military experience is preferred, it is not essential. We have a reliable information network and take precautions to ensure our volunteers are not involved in active conflicts. However, we cannot guarantee that circumstances will not change suddenly. These missions are crucial for Aid Ukraine UK and contribute to its foundation.

If you'd like to be a volunteer driver please fill in this [ENQUIRY FORM] and we will get back to you as soon as we can.